YoPro Summit 2021


By Nadine Postigo
of ICOC PH Spark Digital Team

The first ever virtual YoPro Summit (2021), entitled, “Entrusted”, was held on Feb 12-13, with a total attendance of 260 from all over the Philippines and a few from countries like India, Cambodia, and New Zealand.

Inspired by the scripture in Luke 12:48, this year’s YoPro Summit aimed to encourage the next generation of single men and women in the church to value and make the most of what God has entrusted them; and that many will be inspired to use their gifts, talents, profession, and resources to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Two relevant topics in the lives of young professionals – career and finances, kicked off the summit.

Glorifying God happens in the five days you are at work, not just in the one day you are at church,”

Peter and Minet Zaballa of ICOC QC led the first lesson on ‘Excellence and Career.’ They tackled the reality and misconceptions on how Christians are to glorify God in the workplace and how to pursue excellence and career growth in a biblical perspective. They also underscored how through being excellent in their career, disciples can become God's co-workers and image bearers, and how the things they achieve because of Christ make them a channel of God's blessings.

"YOLO: It's true that You Only Live Once, God entrusted you with money and wealth, so be wise with it. Make every single peso count."

Meanwhile, ‘Faith & Finances’ was tackled by TJ and Janice Rabena of ICOC QC.


They shared how disciples must renew their mindset about wealth, as well as how they could honor God with their money. Their lesson provided awareness on how money can either corrupt or motivate people.

Participants then joined their respective breakout rooms as categorized by their professions to share their thoughts on the inspiring lessons.

On the second day, participants’ enthusiasm did not wane at all, being hyped up for the new batch of lessons lined up for the day.

“How should my view of God change for me to better serve Him in His kingdom?”

ICOC Cebu’s Ryan & Cindy Rasines, for their part, focused on ‘Service & Leadership.’ With various factors and fears considered, they explained how God was easy to please. He is generous and looks at the heart and motivation when disciples use their talents to please God. What they shared were relatable to most of the attendees. It was encouraging, too, having overcome their challenges as they are more motivated to serve in the ministry.

“We are brothers and sisters in Christ – this is the starting point. Wherever it leads, we belong to God first and foremost (Eph. 4:1-2; 15). “

On the other hand, Naths & Angie Zuniga of ICOC Muntinlupa talked about the much-awaited topic, `Purity and Dating.’


All ears and eyes were glued on them when they shared their dating journey and the principles they lived by as a dating couple. They also taught the participants how to build relationships from a spiritual perspective.

A pure and godly dating life, according to them, builds faith, and encourages others. Treating dates special and being humble in seeking advice (in pursuing or being pursued) are vital. They said dating is a venue to get to know each other like best friends through sharing of faith journey, convictions, strengths, and weaknesses.

Breakouts were then according to hobbies or interests of the participants. Although most of the participants were strangers to each other, everyone took time to share their learnings and how they want to apply it in their lives.

Organizers thanked the attendees, hoping that the lessons shared, and the friendships built during the YoPro Summit will inspire disciples to live with a more intentional Christ-like mindset and to use all their God-given resources for His glory.

They looked forward to seeing how the YoPro ministry of the ICOC Philippines will thrive this year as God would enable it to.

Here’s a list of what you can look forward to in 2021:

  • APRIL 19 - 25 | PFOC Singles Conference
  • JUNE 12 - 13 | Seasoned Singles Conference
  • JUNE 12 | YoPro Quarterly Gathering
  • SEPT. 4 - 5 | GEO Singles Collab
  • SEPT. 16 | YoPro Quarterly Gathering
  • NOV. 20 | YoPro Quarterly Gathering
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