ICOC Philippines @35: On to Maturity and Transformation

Written by Enthrem Bagtas //  Published

Thirty-five years ago, singer Gloria Estefan released her debut solo album, ‘Cuts Both Ways.’ Coincidentally, 35 years ago, the first International Church of Christ (ICOC) in the Philippines was planted in Manila. This initiative was spearheaded by 28 young disciples armed with the Bible, figuratively described as a double-edged sword that ‘cuts both ways.’

On July 21, 2024, ICOC Philippines celebrated its 35th anniversary at the SMX MOA in Pasay City, Metro Manila. This joyful event culminated the three-day Philippine Discipleship Conference (PDC), which reunited disciples from 39 churches across the Philippines and international churches in the Middle East, Asia, and the United States.

With 5,500 people in attendance, it celebrated every disciple’s dedication and efforts to become like Jesus Christ over the past 35 years.

Relive the glory of the 35th anniversary celebration through this highlight video.

The Process of Transformation

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” – 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

This year’s theme for the ICOC Philippines family of churches is ‘Transformed.’ It’s encouraging to note that in this passage, which is also this year’s theme Scripture, the verb used is a progressive verb, which means the action is in progress or ongoing. Hence, ‘being transformed’ signifies that we are currently in the process of transformation.

Attesting to this are the moving testimonies of two awesome sisters, Mayben Aguilos from ICOC Manila and full-time staff Zsa Laurel from ICOC Mandaluyong West Pasig. Both shared how God has worked in their lives despite failures and traumatic experiences. They demonstrated that transformation is not about them but about God, who has the power to turn every imperfection and weakness into perfect blessings and strengths.

Evangelist Koko Enrile delivered a thought-provoking message and compelling charge during the Sunday worship service. He highlighted three key points to transformation:

(1)  Transformed by Praxis

What is praxis? Koko explained, “Praxis is the practical application of a theory or belief.” According to Carillo, in a Christian spiritual context, praxis is the “lived expression of faith through practical engagement with the world, motivated by love for God and neighbor.” As Koko puts it, praxis indeed makes perfect.

(2)  Transformed by Prayer

Koko emphasized the importance of maintaining a posture of humility, remembering that God remains faithful even when his people are faithless. To illustrate this, Koko shared how his son Paulo and his wife became disciples despite their doubts. He was amazed at how disciples from ICOC Philippines, ICOC Berlin, and ICOC Boston joined in prayer to make this happen. This exemplifies the Bible's encouragement in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray continually.

(3)  Transformed by Love

Koko assured the congregation that God’s love is greater than the grains of sand on the seashore. He noted that there are about 7.5 quintillion grains of sand on all the world’s beaches, and counting them would take approximately 238 billion years. Yet, God's love surpasses even this immense quantity. Reflecting on all the times God has pulled people through, given second and third chances, and blessed them despite their shortcomings, it is clear that God’s love can fill everyone completely.

From One Church to 39 Churches

From a single church in 1989, ICOC Philippines has remarkably grown to about 39 faithful congregations by 2024. During the service, a milestone video was played to recognize all the churches from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

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The latest additions are ICOC Nagcarlan in Laguna and ICOC Tagaytay in Cavite, established in early 2024. Led by Lito and Bella Resane, ICOC Nagcarlan was founded as a family church and a beacon of light to a population of approximately 65,000 people.

What began as small Bible talks in parking lots, by the lakeside, and in parks has grown into a thriving community church in Laguna.

ICOC Tagaytay, on the other hand, boasts a vibrant and welcoming community in Cavite, where faith, fellowship, and families come together. Known as the ‘Alternative Summer Capital of the Philippines,’ Tagaytay has an estimated population of over 85,000.

ICOC Tagaytay, led by Chris and Luz Basilio, welcomes families and visitors with open arms and hearts as the disciples strive to embody Christ’s teachings daily.

Aside from the growing number of churches with growth in membership in most of the churches, God has also blessed some of the churches with financial independence. It is indeed an important feat when a church becomes self-supporting because more mission contributions are freed up to support new churches and growing ministries all over the country. To honor and recognize these churches, ICOC Philippines Missionary Society Board of Trustees presented the F.A.I.T.H. award to four churches.  F.A.I.T.H. stands for Financial Agility and Independence Toward a Holistic Ministry.

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These churches are ICOC Cebu, ICOC Cavite, ICOC Dagupan, and ICOC Dagupan. ICOC Cebu is commended for being financially independent for more than two decades, which allowed planting of other churches in the Visayas region while strengthening each ministry in spreading the gospel. ICOC Cagayan de Oro, on the other hand, is the first congregation to purchase their own property through the support and generosity of local and international disciples. The church has been a great support to the churches in Mindanao. Despite being planted only in 2000, ICOC Cavite has led the way in South Luzon as the church has grown to almost 500 disciples in four years and is one of the fastest growing ministries in all of ICOC Philippines. Finally, ICOC Dagupan from North Luzon is also commended for its great example of sacrificial giving and financial stewardship. With membership of just over 100, the church has become an inspiration to neighboring churches in Luzon.

Journey to Maturity and Transformation

As Koko rationalized in his message, being 35 years as a church, we are at our prime or best years as a church. Each member ought to be givers and contributors to the church. As we move forward into greater heights and unchartered territories, we should allow God to continue to work in our lives, allowing maturity and transformation to happen as we continue with our Christian journey.

Watch the full ICOC Philippines 35th Year Anniversary Service and Celebration Video here:

We want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who served in every way possible. Your dedication and love have truly made the 35th Anniversary Celebration unforgettable. We are beyond blessed by your efforts, and we pray that God continues to shower you with even greater blessings. Thank you for making this milestone one for the books.

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