Women's Day 2024: Together We Thrive
In March, as we celebrate International Women's Day, we pay tribute to resilient and faithful women who paved the way for us and those who continue to motivate us today. This special day provides a perfect opportunity to uplift and encourage our amazing sisters who are excelling in their chosen paths.
This year, ICOC's theme for Women's Day is "Together We Thrive," a global celebration of our united fellowship.
Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 4:16, which underscores unity and growth through mutual support, our theme verse reads:
"From him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

Join us on March 8 for a Day of Prayer and Fasting:
1. Greater Love for God: Strengthen our connection with the divine source of love.
2. Ever-Increasing Faith & Transformation: Nurture our faith and embrace continuous transformation.
3. Zealous Heart for the Mission: Ignite a passionate commitment to our shared mission.
4. Unity in Fellowship and Leadership: Foster unity among us and embrace collective leadership.
5. Raise Up the Next Generation: Invest in the growth and development of the generations to come.
6. Health, Wellness & Protection: Seek divine guidance for our well-being and protection.
Join us on March 10 for our All-Women Sunday Service, a source of inspiration and empowerment to thrive spiritually and in our daily lives.
We urge every sector to kickstart activities throughout March, aligning with these themes.
Share your insights and experiences by tagging us @icocphofficial and using the official hashtags #TogetherWeThrive #ICOCWomen #ICOCPhilippines. We look forward to hearing about your experiences of unity, collaboration, and purposeful thriving!
As one ICOC Philippines Women, let's create a meaningful impact as purpose-driven women!