Heatwave of Hope: Envolve Ministry’s Outreach Brightens Children’s Summer


Nearly 200 volunteers from the Envolve Ministry's Northeast and Southwest Geo Regions visited Hope Centers amid April’s scorching summer heat, bringing joy and enrichment to the children.

In Hope Center Payatas, over 100 volunteers from the Northeast Geo Region doubled as enthusiastic teachers and artists. 

Overcoming space limitations, they patiently guided 25 children in reading and writing while igniting creativity through colorful activities. School supplies fueled a love for learning, and delicious meals and refreshing drinks nourished young bodies.

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The Southwest Geo Region mirrored this zeal. On April 28, 79 volunteers descended upon Hope Center Baseco. 

A spirit-filled worship service set the tone, followed by dedicated service in food, arts, and education committees. The day buzzed with laughter and learning as volunteers provided reading and writing assistance, colorful activities, and essential school supplies. Nourishing meals and drinks ensured no child went hungry.

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A beautiful spirit of "bayanihan" (communal effort) emerged as volunteers readily assisted wherever needed, alleviating the pressure of limited staff.

The children's infectious joy and dreams filled the day with warmth. Not even the intense heat could stifle the outpouring of love, service, and humility.

The outreach program was a testament to the unwavering faith of the volunteers, whose hearts burned brighter than the summer sun.

Numerous children felt the transformative power of God's love, thanks to the Envolve Ministry’s initiative. It served as a beacon of kindness and hope, showing his benevolence shines even in the hottest season.

To God be all the Glory!

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